Айдер Смит, знаешь, если делать без картинок, то все равно нужно описывать оружие подробнее. Вот, к примеру мой список бластеров:
Attrael 49HA Hand Blaster Модель: Attrael Munitions 49HA Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster; Blaster Pistol Урон: 6D+1 Обойма: 20 Цена: 15,000 кредитов, (энергоячейки: 500) Скорость стрельбы: 2 These weapons were made during the days of the Old Republic. The quality of the workmanship on an Attrael is unmatched in this age, and those weapons that still survive are highly sought after. Similar in many ways to a Heavy Blaster, the Attrael looks somewhat like a sawed off blaster rifle, with a woodtone durasteel stock, and gold detailing. When the weapon is discharged, it produces a loud roar, audible for almost a kilometer.
BlasTech DH-17 Imperial Blaster Модель: BlasTech DH-17 Тип: Blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: blaster pistols Обойма: 100 Цена: 525 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 2 Скорость стрельбы: 1 Урон: 4 An completely unremarkable pistol, the DH-17 is sold only to the Imperial Navy and (to a much lesser degree) Army. It has only one major grace: It is nearly identical to the E11 blaster rifle. The controls and maintenance drills are identical between the two, with many of the parts, including the trigger group and action, interchangeable. It may not be fitted with the barrels for the E-11 and E-14, however.
BlasTech DL-18 Модель: BlasTech DL-18 Blaster Pistol Тип: Blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: blaster pistol Обойма: 100 Цена: 500 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 1 Скорость стрельбы: 1 Урон: 4 This is the most common weapon in the galaxy. It is popular with urban police forces, traders and anyone else who needs to pack respectable firepower in a compact package. Ownership of these weapons is restricted in many systems.
BlasTech DL-22 Модель: BlasTech DL-22 Stun Pistol Тип: Станнер Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: Blaster Pistol Обойма: 100 Цена: 250 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 4 Урон: 4 stun The BlasTech DL-22 Станнер is the base version of the DL-23 Electro Pulse Pistol (EPP) designed specifically for stunning. It is not widely used, mainly because most blasters have a separate stun setting. The only main advantage of the DL-22 is the low price. It is most commonly used by poorer street thugs who can't quite afford a real blaster.
Dl-23 Electro Pulse Pistol Модель: BlasTech DL-23 EPP Тип: Blaster Pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: Blaster Pistol Обойма: 100 Цена: 2,500 (энергоячейки: 100) Распространенность: 4 Урон: 5
Dl-24 Pulse Blaster Модель: BlasTech DL-24 Тип: Pulse blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster pistol Обойма: 50 Цена: 2,000 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 4 Урон: 5/4+2/4
The DL-24 is a modified version of the DL-23 EPP minus the alternating stun shot. In addition, the actual structure of the gun was changed slightly to insure maximum firepower. The DL-24 fires a pulse instead of a standard bolt which delivers more damage at close ranges than a standard blaster pistol. The only drawback is that the pulse weakens with range.
DL-30 Compact Blaster Pistol Модель: BlasTech DL-30 Compact Blaster Pistol Тип: Small frame blaster pistol Навык: Blaster: blaster pistols Обойма: 75 Цена: 500 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 2 Скорость стрельбы: 1 Урон 4
The BlasTec DL-30 is one of the more popular models around, and one of the hardest to find. It is no less powerful than the DL-18 or Merr-Sonn M-44, but it is smaller. The powercell port has been moved into the butt of the pistol, and fitted with a barrel a little shorter than that of the M-44, giving it a very short overall length. This has made it popular with individuals who carry a concealed sidearm, including CorSec, the Sector Rangers and many bounty hunters. It is also one of the more common sidearms issued to Stormtroopers, and is standerd issue to Imperial Intellignece's Internal Security and Counterintelligence Branches.
DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol Модель: BlasTech DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol Тип: Heavy blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: heavy blaster pistol Обойма: 25 Цена: 750 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 1 Скорость стрельбы: 1 Урон: 5
A blaster pistol is a compromise: it gives the user a lot more firepower, but with very limited range - this is accomplished by draining a lot of energy from the power pack, at the expense of power pack. A heavy blaster pistol is crammed into a standard pistol frame, making it easy to disguise if necessary. These weapons are illegal or heavily restricted in many systems.
DL-54 Auto Blaster Pistol Модель: BlasTech DL-54 Special Тип: Blaster Pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: Blaster Pistol Обойма: 50 Цена: 1,000 (энергоячейки: 50) Распространенность: 3 Урон: 4
DL-87 Deck Clearing Blaster Модель: BlasTech Firespray DL-87 Тип: Wide field blaster Навык: Blaster: deck clearer Обойма: 10 Цена: 100 Распространенность: 2 Скорость стрельбы: 1/2 Урон: 5
Deck Clearing Blasters remain in regular use among raiders: pirates often kill their way to a ship's controls, and privateers must often meet lethal resistance with stronger weapons than stunners. Every blaster Модель in existence has found its way to the hands of raiders at some point. A few blasters are unique to boarders. Like the deck-sweeper stun weapon, the DL-87 was rejected by the Imperial Navy for its slow rate of fire and limited ammunition capacity.
Bryar Blaster Pistol Модель: Bryar Blaster Pistol Тип: Heavy blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster:heavy blaster Обойма: 25 Цена: 930 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 2 Скорость стрельбы: 3 Урон: 5+2
XT-1 Blaster Pistol Модель: Kashan Industries XT-1 Тип: Blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: pistol Обойма: 100 Цена: 790 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 2 Скорость стрельбы: 1 Урон: 4
While not as powerful as the military issued XT-1a, the XT-1 is Kashan's most popular selling blaster pistol. Along with the infamous BlasTech DL-18, it is one of the most common blaster pistols to be found in the Palvar Sector.
XT-1a Military Sidearm Модель: Kashan Industries XT-1a Тип: Blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: pistol Обойма: 110 Цена: 900 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 1 Скорость стрельбы: 1 Урон: 4+1
The XT-1a is the standard firearm issued to Kashan's private corporate military forces. Generally, only standard Kashan Naval officers and command rank Army officers are issued the XT-1a, whereas naval troopers are issued carbines and the limited numbers of army troopers are given either blaster rifles or repeating blasters.
XT-2 Extended-Use Blaster Модель: Kashan Industries XT-2 Тип: Blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: pistol Обойма: 170 (requires two энергоячейки) Цена: 900 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 2 Скорость стрельбы: 1 Урон: 4+2
The XT-2 is a direct descendant of both the XT-1 and XT-1a blaster pistols. Kashan Industries took the body of the XT-1 and moved the power clip lock 45 degrees upward and onto the side of the gun, adding another on the far side of the weapon so that it may draw from a pair of clips at once. Taking the power amplifier from the XT-1a, Kashan was able to increase the power output slightly, making the XT-2 almost as strong as BlasTech's infamous DL-44 heavy blaster pistol.
Merr-Sonn "Flash" 4 Модель: Merr-Sonn "Flash" 4 Тип: Heavy blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: heavy blaster pistol Обойма: 30 Цена: 695 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 1, F, R, or X Скорость стрельбы: 1 Урон: 4+2
The Merr-Sonn "Flash" 4 is a common heavy blaster pistol found across the galaxy and in the Alliance armed forces. It is merely a cheap rip off of the famous BlasTech DL-44 heavy blaster pistol but packs less of a punch, has a shorter range, but is capable of firing 30 rounds instead of 25.
Merr-Sonn M-434 DeathHammer Модель: Merr-Sonn M-434 DeathHammer Тип: Advanced blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: blaster pistols Обойма: 40 Цена: 1,500 (энергоячейки: 25) Availablity: 3 Скорость стрельбы: 1 Range: 4-10/30/120 Урон: 5+1
Doing for handguns what the BT EKX-10 and the M-S M-435 is doing for shoulder arms, the M-434 DeathHammer from Merr-Sonn is a very popular pistol with professionals. Rumored to be in service with the Emperor's personal Royal Gaurds, it has a capacity only slightly lower than that found in the DL-44, with the longer range normally associated with light pistols, yet with the power of a full sized rifle. It also has another major selling point: no quirks. Period. It is totally reliable under normal conditions, vacume, under water, and even has a 75% reliability rate in a class 4 radiation zone.
Merr-Sonn M44 Модель: Merr-Sonn M44 Blaster Pistol Тип: Blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: blaster pistols Обойма: 110 Цена: 480 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 1 Урон: 4
Slighty smaller than the DL-18, it is just as popular. The second most common pistol in service, it is prefeered by fighter pilots, tank crews and others that need a slightly more compact weapon, the Merr-Sonn M44 is top quality pistol, easily equal in build and reliabilty to it's BlasTech competitor.
SoroSuub FastShot Модель: SoroSuub FastShot Тип: selective fire blaster pistol Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster: blaster pistols Обойма: 100 Цена: 850 (энергоячейки: 25) Распространенность: 3 Скорость стрельбы: до 5 Урон: 3+2
A compact piece of ordinance, the FastShot is designed to be used by those you need a LOT of firepower in a small package. Although it's bolt is a little underpowered by most standards, a burst from this puppy will drop nearly anything at point blank range. As such, it has become popular with some body guard organizations and counter-terrorist/hostage rescue teams. Following the basic lines of the traditional blaster pistol, the FastShot differs from he traditional control placement, with the safety being located above the trigger itself, and has ambidextrous levers.
Yaeger Service Sidearm Модель: Yaeger Central Munitions RR-4 Personal Sidearm Класс: Ручное оружие Навык: Blaster, Blaster Pistol Урон: 4 Обойма: 150 Цена: 500 (энергоячейки: 35)
The standard weapon of the Yaeger ground troops, the RR-4 has decent ranges and a fairly large power pack, making it a very popular weapon among the troopers, though there are no regulations regarding the weapons that Yaeger soldiers carry, and many chose other weapons.