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Rendili StarDrive


Рендили СтарДрайв - один из судостроителей "средней руки". Компания известна тем, что на ней руководит Валлекс Блиссекс - создатель легендарных Звездных Разрушителей класса Победа. Компания нейтральна.

Примерная стоимость бизнеса (два миллиарда) кредитов.
Предприятие независимо.
75% акций владеет Империя. 25% акций выставлено на продажу.
Империя получает хорошие дивиденды от Рендили, так что само предприятие было оставлено в частом владении, с оглядкой на политику Империи (т.е. Республика не относится к числу… привилегированных клиентов, но все остальные – пожалуйста).

Компания готова принять заказ на постройку кораблей любого типа от практически всех фракций. Безусловно, при этом должны пройти переговоры на должном уровне и должен быть подписан контракт.

Более того, Рендили продает корабли б/у. Таким образом, доступны тяжелые крейсера типа Дредноут и Непобедимый Дредноут – они переоборудованы и продаются локальным мирам с гарантией.

Звездные Разрушители являются продукцией, ориентированной лишь на одного конкретного покупателя-акционера. Однако Империя планирует переоснастить свой флот и возможно появление б/у ЗР класса Победа 1 и 2.

(Если кто-то из игроков что-то особенное хочет, типа защитных платформ Рендили, на которых нет ТТХ, то он должен сначала эти официальные ТТХ из сети выудить.)

Помимо этого, Рендили обслуживает и ремонтирует корабли. Капитальные корабли обслуживаются только на соответствующих техцентрах, так что все те, кто не имеет собственной инфраструктуры (т.е. не Республика и не Империя) должны регулярно обслуживать свои корабли здесь, да и ремонт в случае повреждений может быть осуществлен на верфях Рендили.

Дредноут: 5.500.000 (б/у, мод.)
Непобедимый: 8.000.000 (б/у, мод.)
Мародер: 2.999.999 новый, 1.999.999 б/у.
КЗР: 17.000.000 (Cantwell-class Star Destroyer) Свободная продажа!
ПЗР: 20.000.000
ПЗР 2: 22.000.000
ПЗР 3: 26.000.000
Прочее – по договоренности.

Срок постройки кораблей:
- 4 дня для кораблей четвертого класса (от 100 до 350 м.)
- 5 дня для кораблей третьего класса (от 350 до 600 м.)
- 6 дней для кораблей второго класса (от 600 до 1000 м.)
- 7 дней для кораблей первого класса (от 1000 до 2200 м.)
Срок ремонта и модернизации кораблей:
- 1 дня для кораблей четвертого класса (от 100 до 350 м.)
- 2 дня для кораблей третьего класса (от 350 до 600 м.)
- 3 дня для кораблей второго класса (от 600 до 1000 м.)
- 4 дня для кораблей первого класса (от 1000 до 2200 м.)

В этой теме может отыгрываться все, желательно то конечно, ролевое. Хотя без административного не обойтись - но это уже со стороны тех, кто отыгрывает.

Сведения о Рендили.

Персонажи. (руководство)

Walex Blissex, Engineer (Валекс Блиссекс, инженер)
Physical Description: Blissex's bald head and thick white beard create an impressive visage, offset by the modest Alliance jumpsuit he wears.

Background: A brilliant engineer and the Old Republic's foremost starship designer, the life and destiny of Dr. Walex Blissex were altered forever with the coming of the Empire. His Victory-class Star Destroyer, once the galaxy's peacemaker, had become one of the Empire's most feared weapons. Because of this, Blissex joined the fledgling Alliance, and since that time his work for them has been invaluable.

Personality: Walex Blissex is a deep-feeling man who holds his ideals far above all else. A true pacifist, it has been difficult for Dr. Blissex to devote his life to creating weapons of war, but he has always done so in what he believes to be the interests of galactic peace. Blissex never doubts the rightness of his actions. The personal code he lives by is strictly black and white. There is no grey, except in matters that concern his daughter, Lira.

Quote: "It is a small price to pay for the survival of a galaxy."

Lisa Chou, Lawyer (Лиза Чоу, адвокат)
Background: Raised on Ropagi II, Lisa grew up like a traditional Ropagu. She led a peaceful life, centered on education and debate. Her parents always considered her a model child. She was a member of the debate, track, and model congress teams. She excelled in her classes throughout her lower grades, and graduated as the valedictorian, and received a full scholarship to the Law University on Mrlsst. She went through her pre-law years with a perfect academic record, and was accepted into the honors graduate program. There she majored in Corporate law. She graduated magna cum laude.

Her first job, however, was as a criminal attorney for the government on Ropagi II. There she spent 3 years as a public defender, defending mostly offworlders from prosecution for weapons charges. One major case she had involved a Hutt crime boss who was trying to smuggle weapons onto Ropagi II with the intent of starting up organized crime, and running the planet from behind the scenes. The prosecution had what they believed to be an airtight case. The case dragged out into months of testimony and witnesses. At the end of it all, Lisa had made the prosecution fear that they might lose. Her closing arguement about how the Hutt had lived through adverse conditions on his homeworld, and had been abused by his parents. All the members of the jury were in tears. The jury deliberated for 3 weeks before they came back with a not-guilty verdict.

All of a sudden, Lisa went from being a very good public defender to being a famous lawyer, almost overnight. Job offers began to come in huge numbers. One that caught her eye was from the corporation of Rendili StarDrive. She was impressed with their company, and the job was no trifling desk position. Rendili had interests all over the known galaxy, and controlled a planetary system. They were one of the largest corporations in the galaxy, and they wanted her to work for them, as a corporate lawyer, something she loved doing. Within a month, she had packed her things and moved into an apartment provided by the company. She has been employed there for 5 years now, and has earned quite a reputation amongst the Rendili legal department. Her superiors often use her as a delegate to independent powers, for despite her petite frame, she has a personality more akin to a rancor when it comes to business. She has no fear when it comes to deliberating the terms of a contract. Every job she has been on so far, the contract has come out in the favor of Rendili, and she will not let that change.

Note: Lisa has used her connections with Horgu the Hutt to put pressure on people to agree to the terms she sets forth when she needs to. Horgu still considers himself to be repaying the debt he owes her for saving his life on Ropagi II, but he may call in some favors from her in the future. As of late, Lisa has been unable to contact Horgu, and she has heard rumors of an attack on Nal Hutta, and she grows worried about his welfare.)

Physical Description: Lisa is a small petite woman, with light yellow-ish skin, black hair, and black eyes. She is always seen in a suit of some sort. If one ever saw her without shoulder-pads, they would know that she is in excellent shape.

Personality: Besides her work, Lisa has a fairly boring life. Her only passions besides law are politics and running. She is seen as a stuffy intellectual by many of the people she works with. She has little sense of humor, and can be extremely argumentative, and as her colleagues have discovered, she is seldom wrong. She is gaining a reputation as one of the top "bulldog attorneys" in the corporate law field. She is most often described as "that Ropagu bitch"

Objective: To succeed at Rendili, and eventually start up her own law firm. Besides work, she has no other objectives.

Quote: "No, no, you are horribly wrong. What school did you go to again? And they let you graduate?" (usually followed by some sort of snotty look)

Contacts: Horgu the Hutt (most likely deceased as a result of the Imperial attack on Nal Hutta.)

Vidas Flornt, Trade Representative (Видас Флорнт, торговый представитель)
Capsule: Vidas Flornt is an aging (but not elderly) man who has served as a trade representative for Rendili for several years. Due to the esteemed way he carries himself, he has sometimes been mistaken for the CEO or a member of the Board of the Directors of the corporation, but he is not and has no ambitions for such positions. He lives in a country home on Rendili with his wife, who sometimes accompanies him to negotiations expected to last several days..

Meelina Ril, Bodyguard (Мелина Рил, телохранитель)
Background: Meelina was born on the Core World of Corulag during the Empire's high-point. Her talent for being good with electronics came early, as she was assisting her parents in their repair shop. Like any good Imperial citizen, she joined SAG Youth. Some older friends of hers acted extremely suspiciously at one point, and the intelligent girl dicovered them to be members of the Rebellion. Doing her happy duty, she turned them in. Having grown up with computers and droids all her life, when she turned 17 she applied to the Academy there on Corulag to become a technician in the Navy. Although she was accepted for her outstanding test scores and model behaivor, the Emperor's death cut that plan short.

Meelina continued to work in her parents'shop until she found a job with Platinum Star Inc, a new passenger liner based there on the planet. She was twenty at that time, and adjusting to life under the NR. Owned by a group of former smugglers who turned straight after the war, Platinum Star was looking for a technician who could also serve aboard the ships mid-flight. Meelina signed aboard, and began her career with them.

One flight, as she was repairing a broken sabbac table, she heard a strange electronic whine coming from the table in play next to her. Being around machines all her life, she could hear the sound of something that wasn't supposed to be there. After watching a moment, she smiled and tapped the player on the shoulder. "Skifter's aren't allowed", she said smugly. Although blasters were confiscated upon boarding, the man drew a knife from his belt and went at her. Meelina, after years of physical, as well as mental, training from SAG, dodged it. As a crew memeber, she had her blaster on her, and shot him.

After realising how much money they had lost to this guy in the past, the heads of PS had her on board their flagship all the time. Her keen eyes could spot wepons hidden on people, as well as suspicious compartments in luggage. She kept the ships well ran, and the passangers clean. Doing simple diagnostics in the cargo bay, Meelina heard a soft beeping coming from a package someone was to deliver. Opening it, she discovered a small bomb. After carefully diffusing it, she told the captain. The passenger to whom the package belonged was apprehended. It was a suicide commando, hired by a rival company to destroy the ship. Meelina was rewarded for her keen obeservations and placed into their security force.

Meelina served the security team well, keeing criminals off the liner as well as smugglers who tried to book passage. With three ex-smugglers as her bosses, Meelina learned from them the tricks of the trade and what to look out for. The young woman became one of their most valuable employees, both for her skill in repair and computers, but also for her quick wit and intelligence.

While celebrating the company's 5th anniversary, the flagship "Ten Has Gone Too Far" (A joke amung the company owners Vaden Roo, Elebi Shynn, and Indigo Chasra), was taken by pirates. The crew and passangers were rounded up and put into the cells aboard the pirate's ship, to be sold as slaves. Elebi, one of the owners, had given Meelina a gift earlier in the day, an ivory hairclip with a stiletto dagger concealed as a hair pin. The pirates believed it to be of no value, and left it in her hair. Meelina used the dagger to pry open a panel. From there, she was able to wire the door open. When the guard came to investigate, she jumped him, wrestling the blaster rifle from him. He, being drunk off the Corellian whiskey the owners had brought along, fell easily. After cleaing the corridor of guards, of which there were several, Meelina stold a helmet off one of the spacers along with his clothes. She was able to freely roam the ship, scouting not only the layout, but the locations of the other pirates. After recovering the confiscated weapons of the crew, she returned to the cell block and freed her comrades. With the help of the "Ten's" crew, Meelina was able to take back the "Ten", along with capturing the pirate's vessel. The staff faught against the drunken pirates and won easily. Returning to Corulag, the owners collected the reward on the pirates, and gave half of it to Meelina before splitting it amungst themselves.

Two years later, when she was 27, Meelina decided to quit with her job at Platinum Star. She had amassed a nice sum of money, but life on Corulag was too expensive for her. Plus, the threat of Imperial invasion was ever present, and she didn't want to get into politics. With the recommendations of the three owners, Meelina sent her resume' out and waited for a new offer.

Physical Description: Standing at 5'7", Meelina Ril has hazel green eyes with a small ammount of gold flecks running through them. Her hair, a rich brown color, is usually left down, trailing to her waist. Physically, she is very lean, and has the appearance of someone who works out regularly, but has not lost a very feminine shape. Her attractive appearance often throws people off their guard, as they do not expect her to be the security cheif that she is.

Personality: As for people, she trusts only those she has reason to trust. Friends find her loyal, and associates find her civil, but a bit cold. She often acts upon her own instincts, finding them accurate.

Elebi Shynn, Corporate Executive Officer (Элби Шинн, исполнительный офицер корпорации)
Elebi and her twin sister Korbi were born on Corellia a couple of years before Senator Palpatine was elected President. Their parents, a homemaker mother and a commercial sales father, were estatic at the birth of the twins and prepared two of everything for them. Whatever one had, the other had the exact same thing. As they grew older, their parents continued to treat them exactly the same, allowing no differences in their clothing, hair, or belongings.

Their maternal grandmother, a Jedi Healer, noticed her two granddaughters had some potential to feel the Force, and taught them much of the Jedi and their ways. However, the Purge, taking place when both the girls were thirteen, was responcible for her demise.

Having grown up in schools sponcered by COMPNOR, both El and Korbi found their respective talents. El's was a buisness woman, having a keen eye for a deal and shrewd money habits, while Korbi had style, and a smooth manner, best for persuading money out of people. Money soon became their one goal, believing it to be the true test of which was the smarter twin. Both were intelligent and quick of wit, and their similarities soon led them to a friendly rivalry.

Upon graduation of secondary school, El decided to go into a Buisness school and get her degree in buisness manigment, while Korbi, having seen holo-dramas of the glamorous lifestyle of smugglers, ran off to join a spacer crew. Before her sister left, El told Korbi, "You're gonna get arrested, and I'm gonna be there to save your sorry butt. You'll owe me one." The sisters had developed a little code of honor, and of repaying debts. A favor always demanded a favor in return, and could be called in at any time for anything. Until that point, they were even, with Korbi having payed El back. Korbi didn't listen to her sister's warning and became a smuggler.

El, investing the money she earned as a secretary and a bookkeeper for a fashion designer named Durot Henig, soon was able to pay off her loans and made a nice sum of money. With her financial advice, Durot's buisness soon grew, as well as El's pay. With that and her investments in Imperial construction bonds, El soon was quite wealthy. However, she continued working for Durot.

He soon figured out why she was still there: She had fallen in love with him. After learning exactly how much she actually had in her accounts, Durot seduced her and proposed. Drunk and in love, El signed the prenuptual, not realising it gave him total control of all her assests. Korbi contacted her sister and told her that Durot was only using her. "He's gonna marry you, then dump ya, and I'll be there to save your sorry butt after he takes your cash and runs." As a gift, she sent El an ornate coat, a tan color with embroidered patches running along the center buttonlines and the long hem. "Since he's gonna take everything but the shirt on your back, you might as well have a coat to cover it," read the note.

After their short civil marriage, El awoke and went shopping to plan for their honeymoon. She found her bank accounts empty, as well as her savings accounts. Returning to her apartment, she noticed the security codes had been changed as well. She went to Durot's office in a panic, having only a few credits and her clothes (Korbi's gift included), on her. There, Durot's secretary took pity on El and told her the story.

Durot had filed for a quick legal divorce after transfering all of El's money to his own accounts, a move made legitamate by the prenuptual. She had no access to anything that was her own any longer. To top it all off, Durot left for their honeymoon destination with one of his models, a woman much younger than El was.

Humiliated and dejected, El tried to find a new job. Durot, however, had made it look like she had been embezzeling from him, and had her blacklisted. No one would hire her. However, true to her word, Korbi saved El's butt.

One night, two men arrived at the home of El's parents, where she had returned to live. Mek Greencloud, a dashing but slightly sleezy man, and his partner, a boy of ninteen named Riq Provo, had been sent by Korbi to hire El as an accountant, along with 'other' duties. Having no other choice, El joined Mek's crew and lived aboard the Silver Streak as a smuggler for many years.

She and Riq never got along, constantly fighting over the smallest thing. Mek found it amusing the way they quarreled. A small quarrel in a bar on Corulag soon erupted into a full on brawl, with El receiving the scar on her arm as she reached for a hidden knife in her hairclip, a gift from Mek.

Around the time the first Death Star was completed, the trio were dropping off a shipment to a vigo of Black Sun. He invited them to a display of a prized pitfighter, a young woman who he was thinking of sending to Xizor as a gift. Although the fighter was billed as using a lightfoil from the Tipani sector, El noticed it was actually a lightsaber and the fighter a young Jedi.

Several days later, as the three prepared to leave, a cloaked figure entered the bar they were drinking in. She started asking for passage off the planet, and the three realised it was the girl. After talking to her, El convinced the others to take her along. To her it was a way to pay back her grandmother. The girl refused to say her name, stating that she wanted a new life and a new identity. Calling her 'Missy', the four headed back towards the ship. The vigo's men realised their prisoner had escaped and saught out the quartet. After a wild chase, they returned to their ship and left the area. Luckily, the vigo never quite knew who took his prospective gift.

Missy and El became good friends, sharing a dislike for Mek and Riq due to their aboard ship 'duties'. Teaching the somewhat nieve girl about life as a smuggler, Missy became a valued member of their crew. After an escapade on Bespin's Cloud City, where Riq was caught using a skifter at sabaac, Missy and El had use El's hidden dagger and their feminine wiles to escape, hauling the boys along with them.

Shortly after that, Riq attempted to break into an Imperial bank account, but failed. After being arrested, Mek admitted to having a Jedi aboard his ship, and would turn her over in return for Riq's release. Missy was handed over to the Empire, and Riq was released.

Knowing Missy was terminated soon afterward, El angrily left Mek's crew and went to Tatooine to meet her sister, who had found employ in Jabba's cartel. After having several heated discussions before the crime lord, who found the duo entertaining, Korbi introduced El to B, a bizzare alien inhabiting the body of a loader droid. She and B soon teamed up, working upon B's ship the Hidden Dream.

A spice shipment went awry, much like what had happened to her friend Han Solo's, and she too was wanted by bounty hunters. Unbeknownst to her, Korbi had incurred Jabba's wrath as well and was also being hunted. El tried to make the money to pay Jabba back, but picking were scarce. A hunter sent to find Korbi went after El by mistake, and captured her.

This is where all the trouble began for El and B. As the hunter took them back to Jabba's palace, the planet he had found them at became blockaided by the Empire. His ship was damaged and forced to return to the docking bay. Taking El's instead, the Hidden Dream safely outran the TIE fighters and made it's way out of the area.

The hyperdrive failsafes kicked in as they came across a damaged shuttle floating in space. Taking pity on the passengers (and figuring she can charge them a ton), El took them aboard. Vaden and Lido Roo, and Indigo Chasra claimed to be members of a corporation, but were actually freelance agents of the Rebel Alliance. After making a com-call to her superior, Indigo revealed to El the fact that they were with the Rebellion, and that they needed to return to a base. Still thinking she could make money, El agreed to take them there.

The small group set course to the remote moon and landed without trouble. They weren't aware that the base was being targeted for attack. When the Empire arrived, the Hidden Dream was damaged in the attack, and they had to steal another ship to make their escape.The hunter refused to run with them, and died fighting.

Now classified as a member of the Alliance, El became the pilot for the freelance group, helping them in some rescue missions, one of which led her to encounter another Jedi, Autumn Sunsinger. After they saved Autumn, El felt as though her debt to Missy had been repaid, and she hoped never to deal with Jedi again. That little stunt got her a high bounty placed on her head by the Empire. A running joke was as to how much more money they could accumlate, their band's combined value nearly as high as MonMothma's.

The small band, consisting of El, Vaden, Indigo, Lido, B, and a Squib they couldn't get rid of named Peaches, ran through ship after ship, stealing, borrowing, or buying them constantly. After a while they just numbered them. When they reached Eight is Enough, El realised that the Alliance hadn't paid her a penny, and that her debt to the Hutt had increased. El's sympathy lay with neither side, both not making her money. A couple of years after the destruction of the second Death Star, and Palpatine's demise, El left the New Republic, and returned to smuggling along with Vaden and Indigo.

Korbi had joined their little party, El eventually living up to her word and bailing Korbi out of an Imperial prison. Korbi changed her name to Squaress and tried to settle down to dodge hunters. Korbi met Flornt once while trying to purchase a new ship, and the two eventually were wed.

El, Indigo, and Vaden, meanwhile, fell back on an old plan of theirs, opening a cruise liner comapny called Platinum Star Liners. Using some of the money from Indigo's family, and her investments, they were able to purchase some ships and form a fleet. It wasn't until three years after the death of the Emperor that they were able to launch the company, hiring a young technician named Meelina Ril to assist them.

Their company quickly grew, with profit rolling in due to El's good buisness skills and Indigo's fast talking. Paying off her debts and making sure the right people got money to have her other bounties removed, El went about her life as though nothing had ever happened, becoming the successful buisnesswoman she had always wanted to become.

When her brother-in-law began talking about retiring from Rendili StarDrive, El was only too happy to offer to take the company. She had gotten tired of the liner industry, and was tired of catering to socialites. Meelina had also left, getting hired at Rendili at El's request. El gave Mel her beloved hair dagger, it bringing the younger woman luck when the Platimun Star's flagship, the Ten Has Gone Too Far (Named after their latest (and hopefully) last ship) was captured by pirates.

El now heads Rendili with her style of management; down to earth, realistic, and profit-minded. With Meelina as her security cheif, and Kurs dealing with most everything else she can't handle, El's resolved to handle things on her own, prefering a personal touch to business.

With El handling potentially dangerous negotations, Meelina returned the clip to her boss, saying El needs the luck more than she does.

Kurs Tusquon, Trade Representative (Курс Тускуон, торговый представитель)
Physical Description: A handsome youth who tries to keep in top physical shape in order to impress the ladies. He has long brown hair that is usually kept on a tail during diplomatic or social functions. His eyes are grey and his skin seems to be unmarred save for a scar going through is left eye. The only other feature detracting from his appearance is a cybernetic arm (from the elbow down).

Personality: Kurs seems to be generally easygoing until he gets something stuck into his head. When he forms an opinion on something it is very hard to change it and he becomes almost obsessed by completing a task at hand or in getting his point across to others. Being from a long vanished noble family he feels it is his responsibility to remain honorable and at times he projects his code of honor onto others and reprimands or even attacks those he feels are being dishonorable in his terms. When it comes to diplomats or company leaders he treats them like royalty and anybody who doesn't fall into one of those categories, or at least seem to be his peer he assumes a position of noble to commoner.

Background: Kurs was born into the family of Cadriaan in the little known Tapani Sector. His family was at one time a ruling house of the Sector and a bit more mercantile than the other houses of the Sector. Kurs was the second born son to the his family who faithfully served the House Cadriaan at the time he left his home for unknown reasons...to this day the status of his home and relatives isn't known to him for he hasn't looked toward the stars of his home since leaving. It is suspected that he receives reports on the happenings in his home but unclear whether or not he cares for he found life in the greater galaxy much to his liking. When Kurs left his home on the freighter of a Herglic trader who was bound for the Minos Cluster he was actually a stowaway. During the hyperspace flight he was found by the crew of the small ship and was almost sent right home. Luckily for the young adventurer his skill in the arts of diplomacy and business came in handy after reaching the Cluster and he was made a member of the crew. He traveled with his newfound shipmates for nearly a year learning much about the galaxy outside of Tapani and a lot about free traders as well. For the next couple of years Kurs moved from ship to ship and company to company never finding a place he felt at home. For much of the same time the youth was in and out of trouble especially because of his sense of honor and the amount of times he projected that honor onto others. While never making the top 10 in the wanted sheets he spent more time than he would of liked in local lockups for brawling, drinking, and the occasional sabre duel. Kurs while probably not the best swordsman is still fairly accomplished, one learned quickly while grouping up in Tapani. His scar and cyberarm are testaments that he wasn't in top form early in his youth but as he has grown older and his body caught up with his mind he has showed quite a degree of prowess, and only having one cyberlimb can attest to that. When Kurs was 19 he had traveled quite a bit in the galaxy and found himself in the Core Worlds on the planet of Rendili, obvious home to Rendili StarDrive. While being only passingly familiar with the company somebody within the ranks of the huge company had somehow heard of him and he was offered a position with Rendili. Starting out small Kurs began by first learning as much as he could about Rendili and its ships. Then he was sent out with experience sales reps to see what happened in the field and in the meetings of a large starship firm. Unfortunately Kurs, while being a quick learner and a capable representative for Rendili, still could not shake his honor code and this often proved troublesome during certain aspects of negotiations. While not engaging in open hostilities he had some experience in court intrigue and would often use this to his advantage which could quickly become a disadvantage if he challenged some security guard or diplomat to a duel. Kurs has been reprimanded on several occasions and rarely travels alone as a delegate. While some of his higher ups feel he is an asset to Rendili there are more than one that won't be too saddened to see him disappear. Kurs himself is not sure why he is still employed and just figures somebody must like what he can do when he keeps his temper down and head on straight.

Objectives: Kurs has become a collector of artifacts and knowledge on the ancient force users and seems bent on acquiring as much as he can about the Jedi. He also hopes to rise in the ranks of Rendili and one day become a great asset to the company. One of his other objectives known only to him is that one day he hopes to see the return of House Cadriaan as a respected member of the galaxy and business world.


Система Рендили.

Тип: земля
Температура: умеренная
Атмосфера: тип I
Гидросфера: спокойная
Гравитация: стандартная
Поверхность: -----
Долгота дня: ------
Долгота года: ------
Разумные виды: человек
Космопорт: (есть и не один)
Планетная роль: производство
Правительство: корпоративное управление
Высокий уровень техники: космос
Главный экспорт: звездные корабли
Главный импорт: ---------



Тип: ------
Температура: ------
Атмосфера: -----
Гидросфера: -------
Гравитация: стандартная
Поверхность: -----
Долгота дня: ------
Долгота года: ------
Разумные виды: трианни
Космопорт: (есть и не один)
Население: -------
Планетная роль: родной мир (homeworld)
Правительство: корпоративное управление
Высокий уровень техники: космос
Главный экспорт: скауты
Главный импорт: ------

Capsule: "As for Trianni, I wouldn't suggest it. Trianni is a homeworld which means it has no purpose other than being the home to millions of beings. The trianni race joined Rendili's little "club" in hope of staying a semi-independent planet. Before this, they were at odds with the CSA who was taking control of their colonies and using them to mine resources. They joined you for protection and in return, they gave you the rights to their patrol ships.
If you rip apart their world for a resort complex, you'll start a nasty rebellion. Besides, there's not much on Trianni anyway. It's just a source of good systems patrol craft and scouts."
There are 7 Trianii Worlds. The ones I have WEG or novel names for are Brochiib, Ekibo, Fibuli, Pypin, and Trian, from one of those Star Wars planet databases. I also found the comment that most of the fighting between the Trianii and CSA happened in the Tingel Arm.



Тип: земля
Гравитация: стандартная
Поверхность: -----
Долгота дня: ------
Долгота года: ------
Разумные виды: человек
Космопорт: (есть и не один)
Планетная роль: торговля
Правительство: корпоративное управление
Высокий уровень техники: космос
Главный экспорт: -----
Главный импорт: ---------

Capsule: Vaufthau was made the staging point for Rendili's bringing resources and ships into and out of the nearby Rendili system when security there was increased to the point of keeping all out.


Космические корабли.

Victory III-class Star Destroyer (ЗР класса Победа III)
Victory II-class Star Destroyer (ЗР класса Победа II)
Victory I-class Star Destroyer (ЗР класса Победа I)
Cantwell-class Star Destroyer
Dreadnaught-class Cruiser (крейсер Дредноут)
Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser (Тяжелый крейсер Дредноут класса Непобедимый)
Bulk Cruiser (Булк крейсер)
Bayonet-class Light Cruiser (легкий крейсер класса Штык)
Marauder Corvette (корвет Мародер)
Космические станции.
Rendili Space Defense Platform
Bavos-II Space Platform
Bavos-I Space Platform
Firestar Orbital Defense Station
Rendili Orbiting Multi-Space Dock
Type-I Space Platform
Container Trainsport
Light Corvette
Customs Frigate
Lictor-class Dungeon Ship
Kiltirin-class Dungeon Ship
Katarn-class Boarding Shuttle
Trianni RX4 Patrol Ship
Skipray Blastboat
Starlight-class Freighter
Baffled Drive
R-97 Quartermaster Droid
x4 Hyperdrive


В разработке
- Две имперские станции Голан 2 и Голан 3 (сама верфь, остальное не отыгрывается)
- турболазеры и ионные орудия
- скрытые лазерные установки и минные поля
- контенгент войск на планетах
- истребители Империи и Планетарной Обороны свои.

Техническая информация.

Имя/Тип: Victory III class Star Destroyer / Republic-class Star Destroyer
Разработчик/Производитель: Walex Blissex / Rendili StarDrive
Боевая Роль: Тяжелый крейсер
Экипаж: 8,168 + 260 Стрелков
Длинна: 1,250 метров
Скорость: 60 MGLT
Гипердвигатель: x2 (резервный x10)
Щиты: 3840 SBD
Броня: 1824 RU
- 40 Тяжелых турболазерных батарей Taim & Bak (20 впереди, 10 слева, 10 справа) (Damage: 8D)
- 40 Тяжелых турболазерных орудий Taim & Bak (10 впереди, 10 слева, 10 справа, 10 сзади) (Damage: 6D)
- 20 Ионных орудий (5 впереди, 5 слева, 5 справа, 5 сзади) (Damage: 5D)
- 10 Проектора притягивающего луча Phylon Q7 (4 впереди, 2 слева, 2 справа, 2 сзади)
Истребители: 6 Эск.
Десант: 3,200 солдат
Грузоизмещение: 11,000 Метрических тонн
Автономность: 2 года
- 6 Посадочных барж
- 10 AT-AT
- 15 AT-ST
- 2 Шаттлов Lambda T-4a

Имя/Тип: Victory II Class Star Destroyer
Разработчик/Производитель: Rendili StarDrive
Боевая Роль: средний крейсер
Экипаж: 6,107
Длинна: 898 метров
- 2 или 3 Ионных Двигателя Hoersh-Kessel (главные)
- 2 или 4 Малых Ионных Двигателя (аварийные)
Скорость: 60 MGLT
Гипердвигатель: x1 (резервный x15)
Щиты: 2,880, 3200 или 5760 SBD
Броня: 1360 RU
- 20 Тяжелых Счетверённых Турболазеров Taim Bak XX-9
- 20 Тяжелых Сдвоенных Турболазеров Taim Bak XX-9
- 10 Ионных Пушек Borstel NK-7 (2 на носу, 3 левый борт, 3 правый борт, 2 на корме)
- 10 Проекторов Притягивающего Луча Phylon Q7
Истребители: 2 Эск. TIE
- 1.600 штурмовиков
- 10 AT-AT
- 15 AT-ST
- 6 посадочных барж АТ
Грузоизмещение: 8.100 Метрических тонн
Автономность: 4 года
- 5 Шаттлов Lambda Class T-4a
Имя/Тип: Victory I Class Star Destroyer
Разработчик/Производитель: Walex Blissex / Rendili StarDrive
Боевая Роль: средний крейсер
Экипаж: 5,200
Длинна: 898 метров
- 2 или 3 Ионных Двигателя LF9 (главные)
- 2 или 4 Малых Ионных Двигателя (аварийные)
Скорость: 40 MGLT, 800 км/ч в атмосфере
Гипердвигатель: x1 (резервный x15)
Щиты: 3200 SBD
Броня: 1520 RU
- 10 Тяжелых Счетверённых Турболазеров Taim Bak XX-9 (5 левый борт, 5 правый борт)
- 40 Тяжелых Сдвоенных Турболазеров Taim Bak XX-9 (10 на носу, 15 левый борт, 15 правый борт)
- 80 Ракетниц Krupx (20 на носу, 20 левый борт, 20 правый борт, 20 на корме)
- 10 Проекторов Притягивающего Луча Phylon Q7
Истребители: 2 Эск. TIE
- 2.040 штурмовиков
- 10 AT-AT
- 15 AT-ST
- 6 посадочных барж АТ
Грузоизмещение: 8.100 Метрических тонн
Автономность: 4 года
- 4 Шаттла Lambda Class T-4a

Имя/Тип: Cantwell-class Star Destroyer
Разработчик/Производитель: Rendili StarDrive
Боевая роль: Средний крейсер
Экипаж: 4,110 + 91 Артиллеристов
Длинна: 750 метров
Скорость: 40 MGLT
Гипердвигатель: x2
Щиты: 3200 SBD
Броня: 1520 RU
- 40 Турболазеров
- 20 Ионных орудий
- 4 Проекторов притягивающего луча
Истребители: 2 эск.
Пехота: 1800 Штурмовиков/клон-труперов
Корабли поддержки: 8 шаттлов
Дополнительное оборудование:
- внушительный набор сенсоров, радаров и глушащих устройств.
- необходимое количество единиц десантного оборудования

Имя/Тип: Dreadnaught-class cruiser (Просто Дредноут)
Разработчик/Производитель: Rendili StarDrive
Боевая Роль: средний крейсер (в свое время проходил, как тяжелый)
Экипаж: 16,113 + 97 стрелков
Длинна: 600 метров
Скорость: 40 MGLT
Гипердвигатель: x2 (запасной x18)
Щиты: 2,560 SBD
Броня: 1,216 RU
- 10 Турболазерных орудий Taim & Bak (Damage: 2D)
- 20 Счетверенных турболазерных орудий Taim & Bak (Damage: 4D)
- 10 Турболазерных орудий Taim & Bak в баттареях (Damage: 7D)
- 12 батарей лазерных орудий Borstel RH8 (в имперской модификации)
- 2 проекторов притягивающего луча Phylon Q7
Истребители: 1 Эск. (в имперской модификации, в оригинале – 0)
Десант: 3,000
Грузоподъемность: 9.000 метрических тонн
Вспомогательные корабли: 4 легких транспорта

Имя/Тип: Invincible-class Dreadnaught Kathana Fleet Series (Дредноут класса «Непобедимый» флота Катана, модернизированный)
Разработчик/Производитель: Rendili / Vaufthau Shipyards
Боевая Роль: тяжелый крейсер
Экипаж: 2,204
Длинна: 2,011 метров
Скорость: 40 MGLT (?)
Гипердвигатель: x2 (запасной x25)
Щиты: 3,000 SBD
Броня: 2,500 RU
- 6 пусковых ракетных установок (Damage: 3D) (2 спереди, 2 слева, 2 справа)
- 12 Турболазерных орудий Taim & Bak (Damage: 2D) (4 спереди, 3 слева, 3 справа, 2 сзади)
- 30 Счетверенных турболазерных орудий Taim & Bak (Damage: 6D) (7 спереди, 10 слева, 10 справа, 3 сзади)
- 20 Батарей лазерных орудий Borstel RH8 (в модификации, неточно – в оригинале нет совсем)
- 6 проекторов притягивающего луча Phylon Q7 (2 спереди, 2 слева, 2 справа)
Истребители: 2 эск.
Десант: 6,000 (можно засунуть больше)
Грузоподъемность: ~ 8.000-10.000 метрических тонн (на вскидку)
Вспомогательные корабли: ~ 10

Последний раз редактировалось Мэл 07 Февраль 2005, Пн - 23:25 pm, всего редактировалось 3 раз(а).

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  Заголовок сообщения:
СообщениеДобавлено: 20 Январь 2005, Чт - 0:24 am

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Посты: 100
Откуда: Новая Республика

Сообщение с ботавуи.

-Говорит сенатор Ботавуи Борск Фей-лиа. Я был проинструктирован заказать у вас постройку боевого корабля ботанов....

I don't read the script. The script reads me.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 21 Январь 2005, Пт - 1:46 am

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ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/mel_texas
- Уважаемый Борск, - ответил ботану Курс Тусклон, которому посчастливилось оказаться в офисе, - по нашим правилам вам все же предпочтительнее явится сюда, чтобы обсудить детали сделки. Все же заказ ваш не из рядовых, да и недешев тоже.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 23 Январь 2005, Вс - 23:21 pm

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Посты: 100
Откуда: Новая Республика

Моя яхта вышла из гиперпрыжка. Полетела к зданию главного офиса и там я вышел собираясь начать переговоры о строительстве флота.

I don't read the script. The script reads me.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 23 Январь 2005, Вс - 23:49 pm

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Борска встретили приветливо и проводили в кабинет, где собрались члены руководства компании.
*переговоры прошли в закрытом режиме*

Итог: переданы чертежи и начато строительство Bothan Asyr Class Battlecruiser за 60.000.000 кредитов.
/требуется подтверждение/

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СообщениеДобавлено: 23 Январь 2005, Вс - 23:56 pm

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Посты: 100
Откуда: Новая Республика


Я сел обратно в яхту и улетел на Ботавуи.

I don't read the script. The script reads me.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 01 Февраль 2005, Вт - 0:52 am

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ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/mel_texas
Bothan Asyr Class Battlecruiser построен.


Borsk Fey`lya, если ты будешь появляться редко, и если будешь отыгрывать плохо, то лично я, как ДМ, обещаю много разных злостных кар тебе и твоему "флоту". Усек? [/b]

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  Заголовок сообщения:
СообщениеДобавлено: 05 Февраль 2005, Сб - 2:38 am

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ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/mel_texas
Что? Еще нет реакции? Как будто корабли первого класса каждый день раздают! Ну народ!

Корабль без экипажа будет ломаться - чем дальше, тем хуже и тем дороже ремонт. Персонал Рендили не должен был по усоовию договора поддерживать корабль в исправном состоянии - он был построен и все.

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  Заголовок сообщения:
СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Февраль 2005, Вс - 15:02 pm

Аватара пользователя

Посты: 100
Откуда: Новая Республика

Да! Я сдесь! Я забираю корабль... спасибо за терпение.........
Из гиперпространственного прыжка вышли много лайнеров ботанов. На них были члены команды корабля. Скоро они погрузились на корабль. И остались им очень довольны. Через два часа корабль был подготовлен и ушел в гиперпространственный прыжок к планете Ботавуи.

I don't read the script. The script reads me.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Февраль 2005, Вс - 16:38 pm

Посты: 100

Сообщение по закрытому каналу:
- С вами говорит Кей Вар. Нужно построить Bothan Asyr Class Battlecruiser . Для более деловитых переговоров мы направимся к вам.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Февраль 2005, Вс - 17:22 pm

Посты: 100

Из гиперпрсотранства вышел Z-95. Сделав всё нужное тот сел в ангаре. Оттуда вышел охотник и стал ждать, когда его встретять. Ведь закупки - не только крейсера.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Февраль 2005, Вс - 17:52 pm

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ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/mel_texas
Aravan Elmar, ботанские крейсара строятся только для ботанов, которые олицетворяют Новую Республику, как Каламари - Осколок Республики. И что касается строительства флота - никто из охотников, контрабандистов и пиратов не может иметь корабли первого и второго класса, так как эти образования не позиционируются в качестве отдельных государств.
* * *
Все прочее - пиши заказ что тебе нужно.
В ангаре охотника проводили в комнату для гостей, где стоял терминал и оставии его одного.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 06 Февраль 2005, Вс - 18:03 pm

Посты: 100

- Мне нужно Dreadnaught-class cruiser - 4 штуки, Bulk Cruiser - одна штука. И если можно построить *загружая в терминал*
*По терменалу был послан заказ*. Оставалось ждать только ответа. У Охотника кредитка была
ограничена и ему нужно было знать стоимость.

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  Заголовок сообщения:
СообщениеДобавлено: 07 Февраль 2005, Пн - 23:19 pm

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Посты: 438

ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/mel_texas
Aravan Elmar,
4 Дредноута готовы для того, чтобы их забрали.
С вас 22.000.000 кредиток.

Инжерерами Рендили во главе с Валлексом Блиссексом подготовлен к производству удачный корабль эпохи конца войны клонов - Звездный Разрушитель класса Кантвелл.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 10 Февраль 2005, Чт - 20:12 pm

Посты: 100

- Охотника проводили и он расплатился *теперь у нас будут проблемы...*С инфочипа деньги были сняты, но как и планировалось там осталось ещё. Было выплачено 200 000 за возможную задержку и чтобы корабли - были в хорошем положении.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 10 Февраль 2005, Чт - 22:49 pm

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Посты: 438

ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/mel_texas
//Aravan Elmar, ты бало перевел, я не понял? Какие 200000?//

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СообщениеДобавлено: 11 Февраль 2005, Пт - 16:24 pm

Посты: 100

\я перевёл деньги за 4 дредноута и ещё 200 000 за то, чтобы они побыли здесь как на стоянке и за ними поухажтивали.

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  Заголовок сообщения:
СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Февраль 2005, Вс - 22:23 pm

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Посты: 438

ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/mel_texas
//Aravan Elmar, да забирай же ты свои дредноуты!!/

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Февраль 2005, Вс - 22:36 pm

Посты: 100

Два огромных транспортных корабля класса SYS вышли из гипера у Рендили. Через 10 минут уже "началась разгрузка. Множество, огромное множество разных существ вышло оттуда, и сделав ещё пару формальностей начались рассаживаться по дредноутам...
Тем временем Охотник подошёл к терминалу и запросил:
- А случаем нельзя заказать Кантвелл?

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СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Февраль 2005, Вс - 22:48 pm

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Посты: 438

ВКонтакте: https://vk.com/mel_texas
- Можно,

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